The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Add a Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. LifeOfCase is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to be billed once for the life of the case, otherwise billing will be monthly. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified 'Plaintiff v. Defendant' is used. ExcludeAllAlerts is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to receive no email or fax alerts on the Case. -
Add a Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. LifeOfCase is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to be billed once for the life of the case, otherwise billing will be monthly. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified 'Plaintiff v. Defendant' is used. ExcludeAllAlerts is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to receive no email or fax alerts on the Case.Client is optional.Claim Rep is optional. CliamNumber is optional. Attorney is optional. -
Add a Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. The format of the DocketNumber is specific to the courtsystem. For NY it is index/year, For NJ it is county-type-index-Year, For NYCivil it is index-type-year and for Federal it could be index/year or year-cv-index. The CaseWatchType has to be either 'Docket' or 'Appearance' for Federal Cases. LifeOfCase is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to be billed once for the life of the case, otherwise billing will be monthly. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified 'Plaintiff v. Defendant' is used. ExcludeAllAlerts is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to receive no email or fax alerts on the Case. -
Add a Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. The format of the DocketNumber is specific to the courtsystem. For NY it is index/year, For NJ it is county-type-index-Year, For NYCivil it is index-type-year and for Federal it could be index/year or year-cv-index. The CaseWatchType has to be either 'Docket' or 'Appearance' for Federal Cases. LifeOfCase is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to be billed once for the life of the case, otherwise billing will be monthly. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified 'Plaintiff v. Defendant' is used. ExcludeAllAlerts is optional - specify 'y', 'yes' or 'true' to receive no email or fax alerts on the Case.Client is optional.Claim Rep is optional. CliamNumber is optional. Attorney is optional. -
Add a party who is a member of the User's Account to view the Case Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. ViewPartyEmail must be the email of a valid elaw user in the Case Watch User's Account. -
Add a party who is a member of the User's Account to view the Case Watch. ViewPartyEmail must be the email of a valid elaw user in the Case Watch User's Account. -
Add a Notify Party on User's existing Case Watch to receive email alerts. Additional notify parties will be alerted only if the Case Watch User is alerted, which is determined by setting the ExcludeAlerts Flag to 'N' while adding Case Watch or by editing CaseWatch on the Website Elaw.com. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. DestinationType is 'EMAIL' Recipient is optional. -
Add a Notify Party on User's existing Case Watch to receive email alerts. Additional notify parties will be alerted only if the Case Watch User is alerted, which is determined by setting the ExcludeAlerts Flag to 'N' while adding Case Watch or by editing CaseWatch on the Website Elaw.com. DestinationType is 'EMAIL' Recipient is optional. -
Delete a Case from User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.All fields are required. Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. -
Delete a Case from User's Watch. All fields are required. -
Remove a User From viewing a case on another User's Watch. All fields are required. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. -
Remove a User From viewing a case on another User's Watch. All fields are required. -
Delete an existing Notify Party from User's Case Watch. The Case Watch user's email cannot be deleted (To stop getting alerts edit the Case Watch on Elaw.com website or delete the case watch). All fields are required. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. -
Delete an existing Notify Party from User's Case Watch. The Case Watch user's email cannot be deleted (To stop getting alerts edit the Case Watch on Elaw.com website or delete the case watch). All fields are required. -
Get Alerts for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. NewAlerts is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Only New alerts are returned, otherwise all alerts are returned from the day the Case is added to Watch. -
Get Alerts for Case on User's Watch. NewAlerts is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Only New alerts are returned, otherwise all alerts are returned from the day the Case is added to Watch. -
Get list of all available Case types. The CaseType returned is used by many of the NY Civil Court Case related calls. -
Get list of all Cases on User's Watch irrespective of CourtSystem.
Results ordered by MyCaseName. -
Get list of all Cases on User's Watch with future appearances only irrespective of CourtSystem.
Results ordered by MyCaseName. -
Get list of all Cases on User's Watch with new appearance changes irrespective of CourtSystem.
Results ordered by MyCaseName. -
Get Appearance additions, cancellations, and updates for Case on User's Watch. Changes returned since the last call to this method or GetAppearancesForMyCase. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases.All parameters are required.
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get Appearance additions, cancellations, and updates for Case on User's Watch. Changes returned since the last call to this method or GetAppearancesForMyCase. All parameters are required.
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get Appearances for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. StartDate is optional - If specified, only Appearances scheduled on or after StartDate will be returned. ExcludeMotionAppearances is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Motion Appearances are not returned. NewOnly is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' only Appearances scheduled since the last call to this method or GetAppearanceChangesForMyCase are returned.
Results ordered by a) Appearances and Conferences in first group, most recent first, b) Motion Appearances in second group, further grouped by Motion (most recent Motion first), most recent Appearance first. -
Get Appearances for Case on User's Watch. StartDate is optional - If specified, only Appearances scheduled on or after StartDate will be returned. ExcludeMotionAppearances is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Motion Appearances are not returned. NewOnly is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' only Appearances scheduled since the last call to this method or GetAppearanceChangesForMyCase are returned.
Results ordered by a) Appearances and Conferences in first group, most recent first, b) Motion Appearances in second group, further grouped by Motion (most recent Motion first), most recent Appearance first. -
Get Attorneys for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases.
Results ordered by plaintiffs' first, then defendants'. -
Get Attorneys for Case on User's Watch.
Results ordered by plaintiffs' first, then defendants'. -
Get changes for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. StartDate is optional - If specified only changes since the specified date are returned, otherwise changes since the last call to this method are returned.
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get changes for Case on User's Watch. StartDate is optional - If specified only changes since the specified date are returned, otherwise changes since the last call to this method are returned.
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get Counties in Court System. The CourtSystemCode could be either CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case. -
Get list of all supported Court Systems. The CourtSystemCode returned is used by many of the Case related calls. -
Get docket Or countyclerk minute book entries for Cases on User's Watch, Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get docket or countyclerk minute book entries for Cases on User's Watch, Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get details for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.All parameters are required. Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. Motion Appearances are returned as child nodes of related parent Motion. -
Get details for Case on User's Watch. All parameters are required. Motion Appearances are returned as child nodes of related parent Motion. -
Get Motion By MotionID. You can get MotionID by calling GetMotionsforMycase. Motion Information is available only for Supreme court cases. Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Get Motions for Case on User's Watch. Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. ExcludeAppearances is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Motion Appearances are not returned, otherwise they are returned as child nodes of related parent Motion.
Results ordered by most recent Motion first. Motion information is available only for Supreme court cases. -
Get Motions for Case on User's Watch. ExcludeAppearances is optional - If set to 'y', 'yes' or 'true' Motion Appearances are not returned, otherwise they are returned as child nodes of related parent Motion.
Results ordered by most recent Motion first. Motion information is available only for Supreme court cases. -
Get list of all Cases on User's Watch by the Specified CourtSystem. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case. If left unspecified, it defaults to NY Supreme.
Results ordered by MyCaseName. -
Get changes for Cases on User's Watch, since the last call to this method.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get docket or countyclerk minute book changes for Cases on User's Watch, since the last call to this method.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get docket or countyclerk minute book changes for Cases on User's Watch, since the last call to this method.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. -
Results ordered by earliest change first. -
Get details for Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.All parameters are required. Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. -
Get details for Case on User's Watch. All parameters are required. -
Update Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified the existing value is used. -
Update Case on User's Watch. CourtSystem can either be NY for Supreme court cases or NYC for NYCivil Court Cases or FED for Federal Court Cases Or NJ for New Jersey Superior Cases or FCC for Florida Circut Court Cases. It could either be upper or lower case.Year may be specified as 2 or 4 digits. CaseType is required for any NY Civil /New Jersey Superior Case and could be left blank for Supreme cases. It could be CVN, TSN, SCN, REN, LTN etc. for civil cases and L,DC,LT,SC,DJ,F for New Jersey Superior cases. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified the existing value is used. MyCaseName is optional. - Client is optional.Claim Rep is optional. CliamNumber is optional. Attorney is optional. -
Update Case on User's Watch. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified the existing value is used. -
Update Case on User's Watch. MyCaseName is optional - If not specified the existing value is used. Client is optional.Claim Rep is optional. CliamNumber is optional. Attorney is optional.
This web service does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1.
Please examine each of the normative statement violations below. Follow the recommendations to remedy it, or add setting to the <webServices> config section to turn off BP 1.1 conformance warnings for the entire vroot.
To turn off BP 1.1 conformance warnings for the entire vroot remove the 'BP1.1' value from the <conformanceWarnings> section of the configuration file of your application:
<configuration> <system.web> <webServices> <conformanceWarnings> <remove name='BasicProfile1_1'/> </conformanceWarnings> </webServices> </system.web> </configuration>
R2304: Operation name overloading in a wsdl:portType is disallowed by the Profile. A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MUST have operations with distinct values for their name attributes. Note that this requirement applies only to the wsdl:operations within a given wsdl:portType. A wsdl:portType may have wsdl:operations with names that are the same as those found in other wsdl:portTypes.
- Operation 'AddCaseWatch' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'AddCaseWatchEx' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'UpdateCaseWatch' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'UpdateCaseWatch' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'UpdateCaseWatch' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'DeleteCaseWatch' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'AddNotifyParty' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'DeleteNotifyParty' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'AddCaseWatchViewParty' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'DeleteCaseWatchViewParty' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetSummaryForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetMotionsForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetAttorneysForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetChangesForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetFullDetailsForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetAppearanceChangesForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetAlertsForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetAppearancesForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetNewDocketEntriesForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
- Operation 'GetDocketEntriesForMyCase' on portType 'ELawWebServicesSoap' from namespace 'http://www.e-law.com/webservices/'.
Recommendation: To make service conformant please make sure that all web methods belonging to the same binding have unique names.
For more details on Basic Profile Version 1.1, see the Basic Profile Specification.